Monday, June 06, 2005

Mondays and vacations

Mondays arent so bad.
Its like getting a new start every seven days. However, like most people, I prefer reaching the end of the start, like Fridays....except if I am on vacation.
Vacations are the times of my life that I look forwards to. Sometimes, the anticipation of a planned vacation is what keeps me running through dull days. May is the usual month for my annual vacation abroad. That means from as early as January I would have started planning. Then I live through February, March and April in anticipation. May comes and I LIVE it!
The days right after the vacation are the worst.
And because I normally spend the vacation with someone special in my life, saying the goodbyes practically kills a part of me.
But like Mondays, leaving a vacation gives you the opportunity for a new refreshed start. You look at your routine with new vigor. You begin anew.
There's always the next vacation to plan. The next new week to begin.


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