Monday, July 02, 2007

More details on vacation....or Dear Rose...

This is in response to Rose's comment on my last blog. Thanks for taking the time to write!

Well....I hardly did any shopping in New York except for the standard souvenior items...u know...the fridge magnets, the pens, theluv NY or luv NYPD stuff that the Indians sell at exhorbitant prices......well, I had to bring SOMETHING home!!! I saw Macy's from the top of the Apple tour bus. Did not have the time to shop there. OK then WHAT did we have the time to do in NY???

We arrived in NY early Saturday morning after the night flight from LA. It was a good thing that I had read and reread the hotel's reviews before going. I was thus prepared for the smallness of the Broadway Area hotel that we three stayed in. It had such a strategic location and the fact that we were practically out each from sunrise to almost sunset made the terrible New York hotel's window view of another wall so much more bearable!
We took the Apple tour bus on the first and second day in NY. It was a good introduction but it did not give us an actual taste of the city. I love the streets of New York. Its easily identified by the numbers. each block is a short walking distance. We walked and walked each day.
JAR asked me what I wanted to see most....and I said Ground Zero.

Ground Zero itself did nothing for me. It was just like a normal construction site. After all I had arrive almost 6 years too late to see the devastation. We circled round the whole area. Then we walked to the Church just across the street from where the WTC used to stand. Its a peaceful small church with some very old graves in the lawn. There were pictures and letters and a certain sadness in the church. I felt the pain of the loss of lives there. Tears just flowed down my cheeks and they refused to stop. I really needed my sunglasses to hide my eyes after that. Those tears were also 6 years too late. Most people have moved on from 911. I did not lose anyone in that disaster but I almost lost my ties with JAR as suddenly at that point it looked like our worlds were too far part.
This visit has reaffirmed that being different has just enriched the ties and that we are both matured enough in our lives to go beyong 911. to get back to work. will continue later.


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