Thanks! Plus some pics.
Wow! Thank you Richard Goodman and Noel Lewis for taking time to respond. I have a big smile on my face. When strangers say something sweet, they normally have no reason to do so other than just mean it.
Thank you and I shall be visiting your webpages soon...actually I had sneaked at one of Noel's pages and guess what... I immediately pegged it cos its interesting reading. Right now I am kinda filled with work so I shall keep the full reading to my leisure time (read that as lunch hour).
Actually I hadplanned to put up some pics today. They are mostly from the recent vacation. So here goes.
This is Crater Lake. See the mirror image on the Lake? Its really really beautiful. When JAR asked the lady at the reception counter in a hotel we stayed in at a town about an hour's drive away for directions to Crater Lake, she apologetically replied that she has never been there. After seeing this, JAR remarked that he felt like driving back to that town just to tell the lady to GO SEE THE LAKE!!!
Sometimes we miss out on the most beautiful things very near to us just cos it so near that we do not bother to take the time to see it.
This a a pretty house I got to see. JAR and I had followed his vet brother to see a mare that had given birth. The horse was beautiful, the owner graceful and she had this pretty house. Hopefully the broken down house JAR just bought will someday reach new magnificence.
We passed a river whose name I have forgotten (I am bad at names, obviously). Its so rich, powerful and gorgeous. We practically followed it , going thru neighbourhoods and places not many people go. Thats one of the fun things about a vacation with JAR. I used to be so scared of untried places (sometimes I still am) but nowadays I look forwards to the new experiences that comes with being adventurous.
Some days, of course I see but do not appreciate but travelling has helped me open my eyes beyond just looking but not seeing.
You're welcome.
And thanks for the thought provoking reading. Can't wait for more to come.
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