Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Biopsy - Part 2

I was at the hospital by 7.15am today.
Made friends with a 60 plus year old woman who accompanied her daughter for an ultra-sound check. She is from one of the royalties of one of the states of my country. She talks a lot but its ok....that kept me occupied for a while.

Entered the ultra-sound room where they also perform biopsies at about 9am.
It was a different lady doctor from the one who performed my biopsy last year.
The latter was a sweet-natured lady but this one seemed tensed and grumpy initially. I saw how the junior doctors kept their distance from her but I must say she knew how to do her job well.
Slowly she became more relaxed and even shared a joke or two with me.
Both breasts were injected with local anesthetics.
She aspirated the right side cos in her opinion it was mostly liquid with some debris inside. It was a brown liquid that was extracted.
The left side was zapped with a tool that looks like an extraordinarily huge syringe. Zap it goes. The tool was used to extract some of the solid mass.
It was very cold in the biopsy/ultra-sound room. Brrr.

A white car was doubled parked in front of my car at the car-park. There really is a lack of even paying car park space at that hospital.
I tried to push the car but it did not move an inch.
I did not have the strength even though I tried for a couple of minutes.
Luckily a guy with his little son passed by an offered to help.
I thanked him profusely and together we pushed.
The car moved and I could go home.
(I hope the owner and thoughtless driver will be 'paid' by the Almighty somehow!)

Either the anesthetic had worn off or the strenuous exercise of car pushing had taken it toll but I drove home in pain.
Right now I am home. I took a pain killer and am resting on my bed.
Oprah is on and I shall enjoy today.
I will only know the results on my next specialist visit due in January 2011.
Waiting is my next job.


Blogger Terry said...

hi june...i have not been forgetting you but we are at mom and dad goldens most of the day..
i am here now and so i am just popping in to say hi and and to tell you that i praying for good news about your bipsey....love you...love terry

9:44 AM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Hi Terry,
Thanks for popping in.
As u can see I have been blogging more recently... but this may reduce next week when work gets to a more normal level.
Hope ur parents are doing well.
Was ur dad Golden hospitalised after he fell from the bed?
Still a while before my biopsy results come in.
I am taking it all as they come.


10:35 AM  

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