Saturday, January 22, 2011


It is now over a week since my operation and I am healing well.
The surgery was on a Friday so I had the weekend to begin the recuperation.

My lovely eldest niece volunteered to keep me company for the first night so I decided to go back to my place and not to either my mom's or my eldest sister's.
They both offered but I was more comfortable to be at my home.
Niece and I had lovely long chats.
My wonderful nephew who spent the night with me at the hospital during my previous surgery came over that night and we talked for a long time even tho I was supposed to be resting.
It is great that the kids are growing up yet still care enough about their aunt to spend time with me :-)

The next day my mom and little nieces came over.
We had lunch and I was strong enough not to be in bed.

Monday came soon enough and I decided to go to work even though technically I had the whole week off.
I decided that I would heal faster if I was doing the things that I love doing.
Of course I did not work at my normal rate and speed.
I was just enjoying doing what I felt capable of doing.
I left for home early and nobody denied me that.
That was how it was for the next few days.
Then I decided to spend a couple of nights at my mom's.

Mom is now the process of selling off another one of her properties.
I think that is a good thing.
She is no longer strong enough to be taking care of too many stuff.
My youngest brother and I accompanied her to a meeting with the buyer.
That was interesting.

I am now home for the weekend.
My old netbook is now giving problems so I took it to the shop for reformatting.
Thank goodness I had bought a new one just before I was hospitalised.
The old one is about to retire.
There will a new one to replace.
Life goes on, as usual.


Blogger Terry said...

dear june..thank you for the email..i googled and found out that chinese new year starts on feb 3...i am so happy for the pictures that you emailed to me...i emailed back but maybe you didn't get my thanks so i am thanking you again.
i read this great post yesterday but in the meantime, i have come down with a painful bladder infection....the clinic doctor gave me a anti biotic pill to take two times a day.
we will be going to dad and mom goldens in a couple of hours and i will comment on this heat warming post of yours at the same time i am using mom golden's heating pad..ha!
what a lovely family post you have made junie.....i love it! terry

2:18 AM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Hi Terry!
U were right on me not getting ur email reply. I checked again after reading ur comment here and sure enough, there was none.
I am sorry to hear about ur bladder infection and I hope that the anti biotic pills are fast-working.
Things are beginning to go back to the normal pace for me but I still am taking it easy. Its quite difficult to do that as life does not stop or slow down for anyone :-)
Today I am experimenting with slow cooking (just bought me a slow cooker!). U are just supposed to place all the stuff in the special porcelein container and then place it on the cooker thingy and just switch it on. Eght hours later it is supposed to be all cooked and done!
Sounds ideal for a person who works the whole day.
I am hoping to come home to a warm meal today!!!
U can see the 'before' pic on my FB.
Hopefully I remember to kae an 'after' pic when I get home.
I have to go now. Its time for work.
Thanks for taking so much interest in my health and being.


8:04 AM  
Blogger Terry said...

hi june..i am finally able to sit more comfortable and write you this comment.
the anti biotics are making a little difference with the pain and i happened to have some pain killers too.

as i told you, i always like to hear about your nieces and nephews.
they love you so much and not just in words but in loving deeds.
i think that they really enjoy talking and listening to are not a complainer and you are very interesting.
i am so glad that you got yourself a new net work hard and you deserve it!
and it is not like you won't be using it!

june when jar's brother, rbr had the prostate problem last year, did he have any trouble getting it healed?
yesterday bernie went to the docs and was told that his number had increased to 13 and it is probably time to take action, either an operation or radiation..
he is not scared but i am scared and worrying...i know that he is in god's hands and he is such a care free and happy person, but i feel the scare and i know that i should be ashamed of myself..

i hope that you are feeling are just like look life in the eye and just keep on carrying on..i respect you so much junie and i am glad to have you as a special terry

3:57 AM  
Blogger Terry said...

oh i forgot june...slow cookers are just the greatest!..i have a few of them and i will go and see your recipe on facebook....when you were on your vacation i peeked at a few of your scrumptious recipes!..yummy.
i do find though if i am cooking potatoes in the slow cooker, i usually have to give them a start by boiling them a little before i add them to the rest of the recipe...carrots too because sometimes when everything else is cooked the potatoes and carrots are a little on the hard side!
love terry

4:04 AM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Dear Terry,
Just a short note cos I am at work.
As far as I remember, RBR healed well and fast after his prostate surgery (two years ago?).
He was diagnosed with the growth(?) in his brain after that and went fot that special surgery (I forgot the name right now).
All in all, he seems to be doing very well and is really living the good life now. He travels the country very often and still does most of what he would normally do.
I pray and hope Bernie will also have a smooth recovery as RBR.

On the slow cooker note:-
Terry, when u cook potatoes in the slow cooker, place the potatoes right at the bottom of the pot and fill the liquid to cover all of it.
I did that and they cooked very well.

Got to go now.
Talk to u laters.


8:02 AM  

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