Saturday, October 15, 2005


As a kid, I associated adventures with the story books that I had read. Then I added on the movies and tv shows that I saw to the collection. Mainly adventures were exciting stuff that happened to heroes with magical lives that allowed them to escape bombs or bad guys in the nick of time.
As I grew up I became more realistic and started to list things that were out of the routine ordinary in my life as adventures too. Well, lucky me cos I have had quite a few opportunities for this rather mundane version of adventures thus far.
I went on a seven day white water rafting experience to see the grand canyon from the bottom in 2004. There were about twelve people plus 4 crew members. You live a slightly spartan life, sleep under the stars, pee in the river and poop on a movable throne. You also sit in the boat practically all day, getting burnt in the sun and splashed by the freezing waters as it hits the rapids. Delicious meals were prepared by the crew and we would spend time sitting around the camp talking and enjoying each other's company. There was the incident when the boat had a mechanical failure. We stayed afloat for quite a few minutes as the well trained crew expertly changed the destroyed part. There was the other incident on one of the hikes during a stopover when I almost fell over a cliff, dangling and hanging on for dear life as the crew heroically saved me. Alas, if only all that had been captured on tape....then I too would have my adventure movie.
We got to fly on a helicopter that took us back to the top of the grand canyon at the end of that trip. They helicopter pilot was a cranky old man who demanded to know our weights so that he could appropriately distribute us on the flights.
On the way home from that wonderful trip we stopped at Las Vegas. It was my second trip to Vegas and though I had thoroughly enjoyed the first trip there, going there felt so phoney after spending a week in the wilderness, surrounded by wonderful sincere people. My best buddy who was on that trip with me also felt the same. We lamented over this and couldnt wait to actually leave the city of gambling, lights and artificial pleasure.


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