Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Beginings?

2007. New beginings?
I am starting this new year with alot of stability. Financially I have not looked better. Physically I do alright (even after the vacation where my pigmentation have marginally returned). Spiritually I believe God sees our hearts and understands our failures. Emotionally...yeah that can do with some improvements right now.
I might have put the person I care about in a spot.
I believe its time for a change. We have been right where we were for a long while. We either move on or we move out. I am convinced that its the right person with whom I can further develop. There appears to be a future ahead.
However, thats the view from where I stand. From the spot where he stands, the view could be a totally different one. From his life's experience, being alone might be the safest stance. Just a few weeks a year of togetherness is sufficient. He can devote his life to work emotionlessly.
Where will all this lead to? Do we have a chance? Is it almost time for curtains to fall?
Is 2007 time for a new beginning or a time for an old ending?


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