Friday, September 07, 2007


I love fireworks. The accompanying pic is one taken by JAR when we visited Niagara Falls. Apparently they have fireworks there every Friday and Sunday....and we all got to see both days.

Talking about fireworks, it is used to also describe intense pleasurable feelings like when you meet someone whose mere presence makes your hormones go haywire. Have you ever experienced such emotions?
I wish I could say that I had but my personal experience is that I may like the physical looks of someone who has the sexiest body, eyes, etc, etc but I need to find out what goes on inside the brains as well as how the emotions of the person works in order to go Woooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!

At this point in my life I also hope that when I cause the fireworks in someone else's head, its is also because of more than my physical being.

Now the reality of meetings that causes fireworks. Just like its namesake, its beautiful, exciting, colorful as it bursts into flames in the sky. Then it just disappears, dies and the night is silent all over again.

I would want more from my ties with another human being. I would forgo a fireworks type meeting for something maybe less dramatic but more solid and dependable.
I am not a fireworks person.


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