Tuesday, July 29, 2008

JAR's Germany visit

JAR emailed me some pics from his visit.
He must have had a good breakfast. Mmmmm. Me? I actually prefer a savoury start to my day. I like having a fruit or yogurt to end the breakfast but I definitely need something more than just those two for the entire first meal of the day.

As usual, JAR brought Bunny along in his travels. The lucky bunny wunny has been all over the world and its a cheap travel companion...no cost in terms of flight ticket, hotel room, cleaning services, food, etc. Now I understand why bunny gets to follow JAR so much! Look at him sitting by the hotel window!

People tended to walk or go on bicycles in the town where he visited. It looks so peaceful there.

There were nice buildings too.

JAR says he has 150 more pics. I bet he has even more memories.

Someday I shall do alot more travelling around the world. It would be great to travel with a friend.

A former boss told me that when u travel, God challenges u even more. Overcome those challenges and the rewards are fantastic. I love travelling with JAR. Sometimes he walks a little too fast for me (remember that we are quite different in size. One JAR step is equal to my 1 1/2 steps (we actually measured this!). What we do is we each move at our owm pace. Somehow, after some distance, we are bound to be at the same place again..... as proven many a time!


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