Monday, August 25, 2008


August 24 2008
Finally brother calls in movers to transfer his stuff to the family house. I too packed most of my remaining stuff (read that as my clothes, old and new, into 6 bags). There is still some more clothes left but I intend to leave them there for my visits.

The house is in a terrible mess cos the movers only unload. Poor SIL has to squeeze in her stuff into mom's already furnished (except for two rooms) house. I dont envy her the task.

My living at my own place adventure has just started.

I went to do some grocery shopping before driving to the condo. Got some meat, milk, juice, etc. I made a self invented beef and capsicum in tomato soup invention. I am becoming a cook JAR style! Next time I must remember to snap a photo and upload. This picture was taken from the internet but it looks similar.

I emailed JAR about my final move and he is supportive.

Its strange but we both seem to undergo changes at about the same times.

My abode has been ready almost two years now. At one time I thought I would prolly never move because of my responsibilities. Then bro decided to buy over the family house and changes just fall into place.

JAR had become comfortable living at BHR's place after losing his big house in the divorce. Suddenly there was the house being foreclosed by the bank and offered at a good price. He buys it, renovates, and hey presto he too has new living quarters.

I have never lived alone; coming from a family of 5 kids I always had company. Even when I did live away from my parents (college, work, etc) I always had a house mate or two.

JAR has never lived alone either. He has 7 siblings, always had house mates, been married at one point, then lived with a house mate again. Finally he has his own company in his house.

JAR might look for a housemate though I personally feel that would be an intrusion of privacy.

Having a housemate is good financially but I would rather look for the money elsewhere and retain my privacy.


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