Tuesday, March 10, 2009

past week

Bad cough!

My throat and chest hurts.

Its difficult to concentrate on work.

But I try.

On the bright side, I am on a high financially.

I got a refund from a source that I least expected to get.

All because I had the guts to write an email of complaint.

I also got a cheque courtesy of my late dad fairly including all his kids as beneficeries of his house.

So I had a fruitful week.

My mom's condition is improving tremendously this past week.

The right side of her facial muscles are starting to work again

All the stimulation given during physiotherapy is bearing fruit.

I am happy for her.

Mom and I spent two full days together.

We went shopping and visiting my sisters.

I got a new glass covered pot for my sister's birthday and then decided that I wanted a smaller one for myself. So I got me a new cooking pot which was on sale and a set of glasses.

I have started to put aside stuff for my vacation which is actually too many weeks away.
thats quite normal for me.
I put aside the stuff that I think will be going with me on the trip.
Then I remove some of the stuff that later becomes too heavy or not as necessary to bring.
I love this process!


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