Friday, October 10, 2008

photo me, cyber me and real me

Anyone who reads this blog and observes will note that I change the identification photos rather often. Why?
They might also notice that the photo never truly show a picture of the author. Why?

Photos are so misleading.
It tells u how u look at one moment in time.
I always tend to look my worst (or so I believe) in identification photos.
Driver's licence, passport, what have you's.
Once upon a time they had our pics pasted on the credit cards. I wonder why they stopped doing that when it was prolly a high level deterent to credit card fraud. And those were the days before the gas stations had the credit card slot thingy at the pump. I am told that credit card theives usually use the stolen credit cards at the gas stations most.
I remember that I actually looked pretty good on the credit card photo. Maybe thats another reason I wish they still maintained that practice.

Many hearts have been broken from the usage of fake photos on the internet.
Some people have the audacity to place photos of others (pretty movie stars, pop stars of the place they come from) and then claim it to be theirs. And some stupid fool who desire physical beauty will respond to the former all cos of some silly photo. Hint: if u see a pic of a well porportioned extra goodlooking person taken with very good lighting.....then just assume that its a photo of someone who is too busy to be on the internet looking for love or friends.

JAR and I have differing views on this. His pic is all over the net. Its as though he has nothing to be afraid of. Maybe its a guy thing. I dont know how many friends he made who responded based on his pic. The main thing is how many will follow thru to real life.
I actually enjoy talking to people on the net without knowing how they look like.
Of course during those early internet days when we had MIRC programs, there were many chat nights. I made many friends there. I knew of their hopes, problems, happy times, adventures, etc.
Some I never knew what they actually looked like. They all never know what I look like. But many knew me. The inner me.
In real life I need to have a persona for my work life. The formal me.
I have a more relaxed anf freer me for home.
My cyber me is somewhere in between.


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