Wednesday, January 07, 2009

emails, condo and telemarketeers

Some people dont really know how to exist in a work environment.
Use the email account that u are given.
EVERYDAY (minimum of twice a day) check the emails that comes in.
Acknowledge the emails that is sent personally to u.
THAT means press the reply button to say that u got it, and give if necessary, ur response!

I have a team of 4 in one of my projects.
Ms A has just gotten transferred here.
Her email disk says its full so I cant email her with the latest stuff.
So I print it and places it in her pigeon hole.
Guess what? Still no response.

Ms B also has her email disk full. (Dont these people know to delete old emails???)
She did however response to the printed email and has given me another email addy she uses. thats the latest about work steam blowing.
Otherwise, life is moving at a pace I like.
Monday I got home and vacumned the condo.

Tuesday I got home to mop it.

So my condo is spotless right now and I am happy about that.
Today I shall look for stuff to clean.
If it doesnt rain, I shall spend a little time by the pool.
When I was in the States, I learnt that people had answering machines on their phones to avoid the telemarketeers.
Now I am experiencing that on my mobile.
Where do these people get my number from?
I am too busy to entertain such calls.
Sometimes I just dont answer when I get an unfamiliar number calling.
I let them leave me a message (which they dont!)
I still havent gotten around to getting me new clothes (one of my resolutions).
I have started on most of the rest of my 2009 list.
Not bad for the first week's job eh?


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