Friday, October 09, 2009

Family values

Things have improved or settled down a bit.
Lady-who-passes-out-own-work-and-and-claim-credit was taken to task.
Apparently when people see u stand up to a wrong, it encourages them to do so to without u having to ask for their help :)
That was what happened and I am glad it all worked out well.

JAR and his brothers have gone to visit their farm and their sisters.
As is usual he texts me before the flight and upon arrival.
They have arrived safely.
Knowing this family has educated me on American family values.
I used to think that American family values differ from Asian family values (prolly got this from TV shows that I watch) but really we are all the same the world over.
They live separate lives but they always make it a point to gather and reunite.
They value each other and will stand up for the other when the need arises.

Thats the thing about family.
Too much of them and u get suffocated
Not enuff of them and u become deprived.

Thank God for the phone and internet.
Its almost as tho there's no difference where JAR is.
As worry wart I am still concerned about his safety
But he knows me well enuff by now to keep in touch constantly.


Blogger Terry said...

oh yes for sure june... we are so blessed to have the internet and a relatively cheap long distant rate for the phone.
when bernie and i were going together and when he lived almost 300 miles away, we used to use the phone for long distance and man...sometimes the bill rang up to over a hundred dollars, and that was a lot of money 39 years ago!.
sometime i talk to my friend amrita through skype...she lives in india and it is free!
on the other hand i rarely use chat here in canada. if my brothers and sisters want to talk to me, hey they always have the phone and cogeco is free long distant for canada and the states..

family values ARE very important june and you are so right that gathering together and often is the thing to do!
although, i think asians have more value on family.
sometimes in canada, the only time you see extended family is at a funeral and that is way too sad!
love terry

2:35 PM  

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