Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sports Day

Its Sunday and I am at work.
I still have a few minutes before its time to put aside my personal internet page and do my work. Hehehe isn't it great that we can use the computer both for official and unofficial stuff!

Yesterday Mom, Bro. SIL and I went to see our little nieces at their sports day.
Little A was in the red house and little D was in the green house.
At their age, it was not a competition between the houses but mainly an indication of their age group.
Little D was like the captain for her team, carrying the banner, when the kids paraded around the grounds.
There was of course tears now and again by the little kids but with doting parents and grandparents around it was a fun day.
Little D was in tears before the start of her race (don't ask me why, kids cry often don't they?), but her mommy and I were cheering out so loud for her that she did her job of carrying a pingpong ball on a spoon so well that she also helped to do the run for her friend who had cried and did not want to run at all. Go little D, GO!!!
The nicest part was that when little D was crying, her elder sister little A was at the benches with her friends and they ALL cheered "Go D go! Go D go?" so loudly. Nobody else was cheered on so well too!
Little A was enjoying herself so well this year. Last year the family arrived a little late for the sports day and she refused to take part. She is so grown up now and is happily interacting with her friends.

Little A also won two academic prices for doing well in her Mathematics and language. She was the only girl to win such prizes as it was dominated by three boys in the class. Go little A, GO!
Her report say, EXCELLENT!
Little D (at 3 years of age)' report says that she does satisfactorily but does not listen to instructions. THAT'S our little D.......hopefully she'll grow up and become a little less strong headed.

One nice thing happened whilst I was seated with mom under the tent at Sports Day. A little boy, prolly less than two years came to me and stood beside me. I patted his back and he seemed to enjoy being with me. he even lay his head on my lap! Later we were told that he is a very shy boy who do not go to strangers. Wow! I got thru that kid!

Yuks! Its time to go to work now.


Blogger Terry said...

hi junie..i haven't forgotten you but dad golden is very seriously ill and so we have been at the terry

12:46 PM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Dear Terry,
I pray your Dad Golden will recover soon.
It definitely isn't easy when a parent is ill.
I remember those times when my late dad was hospitalised. The whole world just turns around and ur life is mainly at the hospital.
Keep him company and update me on his developments.
Lots of love for u and ur family.


1:23 PM  
Blogger Terry said...

hi was so nice to hear from you just now.
yes, dad golden was released about eleven o'clock this morning.
it is good that bernie and i went over too because tonight when we got there, he had a pill bottle in his hands and thought they were sleeping pills.
i told him that they didn't send him home with sleeping pills. oh boy, no telling what would have happened if he had swallowed those pills.
bernie and i and gracey, for the next few days will have to keep a close eye on mom and dad golden both..
thank you so much for your care junie.
when i met you, i knew that you would be a dear friend to have..thank terry

1:05 PM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Dear Terry,
I remember when my dad was ill, it was a challenging time to have him in the hospital and when he came home we were glad to have him in the home environment but it was also challenging in other ways.
This I believe must be quite a stressful time for u and Bernie. Looking out for an ill family member takes a lot out of one.
Make sure u get enuff rest too.
Taking time out and doing what u normally do like writing on ur webpage is a good de-stresser.
Come here and talk to me whenever u need to.
Take care.

5:11 PM  

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