Friday, November 19, 2010


Someone I know is currently on holiday and he blogs about his travels.
He says that he is now backpacking in his 40's cos he spent his 20's earning money for his education; he does so not because he can't afford to travel first class but well, who knows, maybe he is trying in some way to turn back the clock and relive his life? .
Interesting. Where I come from there is a saying that the world is round. U may be unable to afford something but it does not mean u will remain that way for ever. U can be at the bottom one day and the top another, and again at the bottom if u r not careful!

I started traveling rather late in my life too. I have always wanted to travel but whilst growing up, my hardworking parents were working hard to educate us first. There was some money for local holidays but never for a trip abroad for everyone especially since there were 5 kids in the family.

I got the chance to travel to the USA for my studies before I was even 16 as I was offered a scholarship then. That was a whole story by itself as to why I finally did not take it up. Then three years later I was offered yet another scholarship which I again had to turn down. Yes, I was pretty smart when I was young.
Deep in me I wanted the chance to travel and live in another community; to broaden my horizons but was not meant to be.
A rich aunt told me not to fret, she said....someday u will make money and u will travel to ur heart's content. Prophetic.

Fast forward decades later. Now I travel whenever I can spare the time (currently, its not too much time but who knows, this may change :-)
I go to the USA at least once a year for more than a decade now.
I have visited nooks and corners of the USA where even the locals have not been. I am still planning to continue the trend.
I have also traveled to UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Saudi Arabia just to name a few.
Yes, the world IS round. I have been at the bottom and I have been lucky enough to also experience being on the top.
Its really so much nicer at the top. :-)


Blogger Terry said...

hi june...this is a very interesting post!
the world IS certainly round and my! what a lot of places you have visited.
my sister, gracie has got the travelling itch..he son, justin has lived in japan a few years and this summer gracey flew over to visit him and his girlfriend and she is already planning on next year to go again!
gracey was widowed when she was only about 24[she is 51 now] and she was left to raise four little kids and she did a fine job and she learned how to save money..this flying to japan, she did have some air miles so that she is saving again..
i think that you know how to save too because i know for sure that your yearly trip to usa is so important to you.
you have been to all of these places, eh june?...and to canada too! so nice.
where IS the top of the world junie.
is it alaska?
well i see you have another post and i am anxious to read it so farewell for now! terry

11:54 PM  
Blogger akumangkok said...

Hi Terry,
Yup I luv traveling and hope I can get a chance to continue doing so for the rest of my life!


7:30 PM  

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