Wednesday, July 27, 2005

the first sign of better luck

OK. Maybe the feng shui helped. Maybe I really do have the writing skills. Anyways, its GOOD news!!! Yesterday I got home and there was a cheque in the mail! It was for a long forgotten article I submitted two months ago. It wasnt a big amount, in fact its wayyy too minimal. But its THERE!
I look at it this way. Its the first sign of prosperity. Its a recognition of what I CAN do. I am capable of doing alot more things than what I have done before. I just have to keep on going. The whole world is out there. I havent seen it all even tho I have been on earth for ages. My prime time is just about to arrive... I am not at the end yet!


Thats how things are currently going. I am able to keep my head above water as far as work is concerned. New stuff pop up everyday but I can handle it....and am enjoying myself in the process.
I reread the book on feng shui that my eldest sister gave me for my birthday last year. Made me rearrange some stuff in my bedroom. When my condo is ready I'll have to rereread the book. Cant believe all the stuff the book says, but hey, I could sure use the good luck it professes to bring. Feng shui experts also claims that you can harness the vibes that control relationships.....ok...I'll try that one too. O yes, I am looking forwards to an increased prosperity VERY soon as promised by the book!
I am planning to do quite a bit of shopping this month. That'll keep my weekends busy.
Still nothing confirmed on holiday plans. Variables still hanging in the air.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Busy bee

Its really great to find yourself busy with work that you enjoy! Today I finally have a slower day and am able to check my blog. My upper back hurts a bit from reading and computering. My spirits are high. I look forwards to the weekend but I am also having fun during the week. Life can be good!
At the back of my mind, I sometimes want to plan my next holiday at the end of this year. Too many variables still not worked out as yet. I need to wait a bit longer. It will be a shorter break than my May break but I still need to plan. Maybe this time I will take my mom away for a vacation. But she has her variables too. We'll see how the next few weeks turn out.