Thursday, January 28, 2010

...and the year hits a bump.....

Got an email from JAR this morning.
He thanked me for a card that I had sent him and to break some bad news.
JAR's brother RBR has been diagnosed with brain cancer.
Last year RBR was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
He elected to have surgery and had fully recovered.

RBR, WBR (the eldest brother), JAR and I drove from San Francisco to Seattle last year and that was a fun vacation. RBR and his wife R met us in SF at his daughter's house.
I like RBR cos he is such a nice and dependable guy.
He has always welcomed me and treats me with so much friendship.
JAR's siblings maintain a close relationship and that's one of the reasons why I like being with them. They make it a point to vacation together and every year they make trips to visit their old farms.
Before knowing this family, I thought Americans did not have the same family values as Asians. They have proved me very wrong.

RBR has two tumours in his brain. The doctors say that brain tumours are rarely primary but they also do not think that it was connected to his prostate cancer.
JAR thinks it might be connected to the chemicals that RBR comes across with when he does his work as a veterinarian.
I remembered that a neighbour of RBR had died in recent years also from cancer and wonder if it could be connected to the area that they live.

The doctors say that the can remove one tumour but the other one is more deeply embedded and the way to treat it is radiation.
RBR is currently searching for more information and answers.
JAR says that its even possible for the surgery to be as early as next week.

JAR has 9 siblings (way above the national average of both our countries). I don't think they have ever envisioned losing anyone of them.

Its still a long way to my May/June vacation. I have to wait for that time before I am able to see RBR again.
I pray that he will overcome this major challenge as he did on the prostate cancer last year.

As JAR always say....'if not now, when?'
I wish I was there to offer more support to JAR and the siblings.

This sure is a shocking bump that has hit 2010's smooth drive so far.

Dear God, please bless all the good people of this world.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

...and the year moves on...

Its almost the end of the third week in January! Time sure flies.
Ever since November I have had so many hospital appointments to keep that I have lost count.
The worst thing about going there is getting a parking space.
There are just too many people owning too many cars and needing to go to the hospital all at the same time is my guess!

This week I had my first physiotheraphy appointment.
I have now been taught some movements to help reduce the pains in my left leg.
This weekend I shall shop for some hot packs cos that was also used by the physiotherapist.

To keep my spirits up I have actually made some bookings for my May/June vacation.
I have set myself a couple of months to become physically strong enough for the journey.
I can and I will!

JAR has flown across his country for work again.
Its good for him to travel every few months and its almost like getting a mini vacation break.
If the place is great, we just might make it a point to visit there on my vacation trip.

My little niece had an accident falling off the sofa whilst playing at being Lions (ala Simba the lion King movie) with her sister.
It was bad enough to need a hospital visit and her getting stitches on her chin.
She is off from kindergarten for the rest of the week.

I pray that all will be well.
No more accidents and everyone be kept safe wherever they are.
Now its back to work for me.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The new year begins.......

Saw the surgeon for a full report of the surgery.
The whole thingy is BENIGN! Yay!
But he did warn me that having the fibronistic D places me on a higher risk group.
My next appointment to see him is in June.
Self B examine once a month; Medical B examine every 6 months.

At least for the next few months I shall breathe easy on this.

I shall begin my physiotheraphy in two weeks.
Thats another new chapter to this new year.
I am doing something positive for the shooting pains that runs from my hips to my legs.
I no longer feel the pains much since I was put on tramadol....a pain killer.
I need to do the physio cos I do not plan to live my whole life on pain killers.
Hopefully the pains can be contained via the exercises they will be teaching me.

Spoke to JAR this morning.
He is doing alot of hiking with his brothers.
At their age, I salute their strength and agility to be so physically active.
I MUST get stronger before I visit them later this year.
I hope to join them in one of the simpler hikes.
We are discussing places to visit.....Florida? Kentucky? Washington? Seattle again? Mount Rushmore?
We've seen so many places over the past decade but America is so huge that there are a million nore places to go to.
JAR is an experimenter cook and he uses his engineering skills in his cooking.
He really is a good cook and puts me to shame on this.

I am so looking forwards to ny next vacation!

Friday, January 01, 2010


Welcome 2010!

2009 was a good year.
It was challenging in many ways but each challenge had a good outcome.
I am stronger and happier because of it.
I end the year with all my loved ones still around.
I begun and end it still financially secured.
Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually I am so blessed.
Thank you God for it all.

I start 2010 with happy plans for the year.
I feel ready to face new challenges.
I want all the good in my life to remain as I strive to gets that ones that I still dont have.
May this be a good year for the world.
May there be no more terrorism in any form
May there be enough good food for all
May everyone be blessed
May there always be peace and love amongst mankind.

Thank you all who have been there for me.
Thank you God.