Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A friend's view

There are times when one needs to put aside one's hurt or anger or upset feelings and focus on the urgent needs of the present moment. Yes, I still hurt from my bestest buddy's forgetfulness but I am willing to place that aside cos HIS present problems needs full focus.
Getting a divorce is not unusual but getting a divorce from a vengeful bipolar woman is something else. How long does it take to get a divorce? Six months? a year? two years? Well, this unfortunate man has been struggling for 8 years now, thanks but no thanks to his bitter ex and several unscrupulous lawyers.
Perhaps the Muslims have got it takes a longer process to be married and a simple "I divorce thee" to part. But even that has its disadvantages especially when stupid men use that to run away from their responsibilities to their families.
Anyway, back to my friend's problem. He is a good of the best people I know. He has had so many stumbling blocks.....some he self created, others were laid upon him from people he was unfortunate enough to come into contact. He needs to be strong. Especially now. He is soooooo near the end of his misery, and they (the lawyers) are trying to distract him so that he misses a very important deadline. I worry about him. He deserves a better deal.

Monday, August 15, 2005

birthday and the delete key

My birthday came and went. I had a pretty good day with the family. Got presents and best wishes from those I believed thought enough of me (except for one!) and didnt get any from those whom I had expected not to.
Visited my half completed condo. Its coming right on along. Took a walk along the lake with my nephews, got caught in the downpour and we all arrived home wet. Thank goodness it was my birthday so my sister decided not to nag us about it!
I had considered getting something expensive and utterly useless for myself to celebrate my birthday but that did not come through. Never mind ....I can still buy whatever it is later and say that it was my self belated birthday present.
I had one major dissappointment. My supposed bestest buddy seems to have forgotten my birthday. Not even a wish. He normally doesnt forget cos it falls on the same date as his youngest sister's birthday. Maybe when you become less important to a person, the delete key is slowly pressed on all important data relating to you.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Weekend of family, food and lack of sleep

I did not get enough rest but the weekend was good. Had a late Saturday night (nah...not doing anything wicked but pleasurable, but saw some late night show on TV). Went to the car wash Sunday morning. Did not need to wait too long. Guess lots of others had a lazy morning in bed. Got home and went back to snooze-land. Thats the great thing about a are not dictated by the clock.
Got up at after 2 and rounded up my mom, sis-in-law and niece and off we went to my sister's place. Had fun with my nephews there. Later we all went shopping for clothes for the little niece.
Called up my brother and got him to join us for dinner at one of the newer palces in town , Had the roasted ribs. It wasnt great but was edible.
Home to sleep. Got up in the middle of the night. Must be the ribs.
Then its Monday morning already. Off to work. Lots of stuff to do this new week.