Monday, January 22, 2007

weekend of pain

The flu's gotten me! Here I am with a blocked nose, coughing the nights away and a sore throat which has 'killed' my voice. So how else could I spend the week end other than lying in bed and watching repeats of American Idol?
Talking about American Idol....... it looks like neither Minnesota nor Seattle have produced much in terms of potential Idols. Thus far, all I can remember in between my coughs are the brother and sister who had an Indian dad.....they can sing but they havent reached outstanding levels yet. There was also the sixteen year old who Simon C says is like coffee with 11 sugars....too sweet to taste. Then, there were the many many many non singers who unfortunately thought that they were the next AI. Maybe this week will give us a better crop.
Work is doing its darndest to overload me. I best get back to doing my work now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Beginings?

2007. New beginings?
I am starting this new year with alot of stability. Financially I have not looked better. Physically I do alright (even after the vacation where my pigmentation have marginally returned). Spiritually I believe God sees our hearts and understands our failures. Emotionally...yeah that can do with some improvements right now.
I might have put the person I care about in a spot.
I believe its time for a change. We have been right where we were for a long while. We either move on or we move out. I am convinced that its the right person with whom I can further develop. There appears to be a future ahead.
However, thats the view from where I stand. From the spot where he stands, the view could be a totally different one. From his life's experience, being alone might be the safest stance. Just a few weeks a year of togetherness is sufficient. He can devote his life to work emotionlessly.
Where will all this lead to? Do we have a chance? Is it almost time for curtains to fall?
Is 2007 time for a new beginning or a time for an old ending?