Yup, I am at THAT point again. Its too far away from the last vacation and still too far away from the next one! Its still busy time at work but nothing that is beyond me to handle.
I had a busy weekend. Visited my condo but did not even have time to spend the night there. Took one nephew birthday present shopping. Drove mom to cousin's twin daughters birthday bash at Mc Donald's. Did some minor shopping after that. All of this was time consuming but not very self satisfying.
Rewind to last week. Got an email from an old old old internet friend whom I had not communicated with in ages. The wierd thing was just the night before, I had thought of him and the others whom I used to chat with !. I was just wondering about how life might have turned out had I hooked up with someone else from the people I had met then. Lo Behold and I got that email. This guy was one of the nicest people I had come across thru that 'chat-room' mode of my past. I even met his mom, his uncle and aunt and cousins in that chatroom. He is doing ok but of course his life also has new challenges now. I got a thrill that he had actually thought to look me up after all this while.
At the same time I got that email, I had a minor upset. JAR was having an ultra busy week so he was almost incommunicado. Even when a phone call finally got thru, it was to hear him say that he could not talk right now and would return the call later. Apparently he did call back but my phone lines said that my phone was disconnected. Actually it was very low on batteries but anyways the call did not come thru.
I was like in the picture above. Falling into deep waters (and NOT know how to swim). However, I have an inbuilt life saver in my personality. I would cry alone, be upset in my head, think stuff from various perspectives and only then would I react. THIS is why for me long distance relationships can work. When we next talked, I got a better picture of what was going on over at JAR's part of the world. He will continue to be busy as a result of the Italian trip. But we are already discussing the next vacation trip we would all be making.
With the emotions that seem to be flowing from great heights like the beautiful waterfall in the picture, perhaps our next trip would be to see the Niagara Falls?