Thursday, June 30, 2005


When someone tells or shows you his appreciation, he does more for you than winning the lottery. To be remembered for doing something nice even though the event was years ago tells you that your existence on this earth maybe be worthwhile after all. Yet, as soon as the appreciation is flowered upon you, immediately return it with an appreciation of the the person. He has done you as big a favor as you did him.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Trust is a heavy resonsibility. You only have ONE chance with it. Break it once and you can never get it totally whole again. I am struggling to establish it once more. Everyday is a challenge. Doubts abounds from every corner. Sometimes they come in sizes larger than monsters. Other days they trip in in tiny dosages but still lethal in its poison.
I know that the other party is trying hard too but I wonder if its harder on me.
There are days when I want to scream or run and disappear. Then I remember and evaluate the past. Perhaps what was as good as it was deserves a second chance. What worries me is I may be setting myself up for more hurt in the future. Am I?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

blog job

My good friend advised me to be careful about blogging. Apparently people have lost their jobs due to their blogs. I wont write about my job...I already spend too many hours on the job, why would I want to spend my leisure hours talking about it?
I would write about my friends but now I worry that I might run the risk of losing them due to blogging.
I thought that blogging gave me an avenue to complain I need to think of the consequences here too!

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Mmmmm.....I have finally decided that its ok to have visitors to this page! I will be giving this addy out soon. Hopefully when friends visit, they will take with them some new facets of me. I hope they will leave behind some wise words or comments. Welcome!

Friday, June 10, 2005

what and house

I just came across a blog entitled 'what?'. Just a coincidence cos I had signed in and looked at the recently updated bloggs. Its difficult to get to choose to read other people's bloggs cos there's no directory available. Or is there?
Anyways, reading 'What?' reminded me that in a year's time I might be facing what they are now encountering. My house shall be fully (hopefully) completed then. A condo with all the facilities such as swimming pool, gym, etc.
Ownership. Privacy. Bills.
I need to think of furniture, lighting, electrical gadgets.....still have time, still have time.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Mondays and vacations

Mondays arent so bad.
Its like getting a new start every seven days. However, like most people, I prefer reaching the end of the start, like Fridays....except if I am on vacation.
Vacations are the times of my life that I look forwards to. Sometimes, the anticipation of a planned vacation is what keeps me running through dull days. May is the usual month for my annual vacation abroad. That means from as early as January I would have started planning. Then I live through February, March and April in anticipation. May comes and I LIVE it!
The days right after the vacation are the worst.
And because I normally spend the vacation with someone special in my life, saying the goodbyes practically kills a part of me.
But like Mondays, leaving a vacation gives you the opportunity for a new refreshed start. You look at your routine with new vigor. You begin anew.
There's always the next vacation to plan. The next new week to begin.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Almost lost!!!

o man...what a joke. I got the first post (my very first blogger's post) published. Then I signed out. Then......I got lost and could not find my way in. It was a long winded trip back. Almost like the landlord who lost the house keys. Hahahaha. Wonder if this happens only to mangkok? mmmm the name fits huh?

Hello world!

Wow! I have a blog?
The excitement is almost like getting my first job.
Putting up my thoughts for the world to see. The world? hehehe. Probably I will end up as the only reader..well, maybe might get a lost cyber traveler once a while.
Writing is easy, writing with sense needs education, writing with passion is inborn.
ok. now lets publish this post and see what the bog will look like.