Monday, August 28, 2006

Bz and empty

Bbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzz! The past few weeks has been just that! I am swamped with loads to do at work. New projects, WIP projects, new experiments, etc.
New condo is also clamering for my limited time available.
I have completed negotiations with my contractors and they will begin work today. I need to check on specifications of my soon-to-be-purchased gadgets so that they can fix the built-ins. The kitchen cabinets, bedroom and utility cabinets will be taken care of. New grilles too. They will take about 7 weeks to get ready.
There's a million and one things more to buy. I have a new house and yet, I dont feel rich. In fact I am starting to check on the outward flow of alot of money. Maybe I am just a miser at heart.
I felt very tired over the weekend and spent Sunday lazing in bed. I needed the break. I was feeling kinda low and empty. Even with all the going ons.

Monday, August 21, 2006

new things and love

Its exciting to finally get the keys to my condo. A space to call my own.
The next step is to find a good contractor who is reliable and reasonable. The property manager introduced me to a team of young upcoming designers.
We have begun discussions with me telling them when I would want for each area and room. They advise me on what would be practical and what would help esthetically.
The condo is a well guarded place, with the guards taking care of who is allowed in or not. However I still need to ensure that my living space has its own security. The first portion of my budget will be spent on this.
I am also fixing up my kitchen, my study and getting built in cabinets. Soon I will go shopping for the lights and electrical stuff.
My little niece now has a baby sister. Big sister seems to love little baby and often wants to kiss, cuddle and even 'hold' the baby. Its amazing how one can keep on loving every new addition to the family without losing any of the love for the old ones. I now understand that gives us LOVE as one energy that goes on till infinity.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I'll be getting the keys to my condo this Sunday. Home owner at last.
Mortage loan payments will begin.
Renovations to upgrade security. Renovations to beautify. Renovations for comfort.
Services bills. Electrical bills. Water bills.
New purchases of assets. Cleaning responsibilities.
New Privacy. New friends.
I am truly nervous about this new begining.