2009 - a draft
I havent thought of it in detail (actually I never do...not even once before)
I just have a rough idea of what I'd like to do, so here goes.....(this list is open to changes as and when....even up to 2010)
What I'd like to do, get, receive, etc
- I am going to do more international travelling. Visiting my 'other home' is a definite on my list! I always get excited by the preparations of travelling and am especially so when I go to see JAR. (its been quite a while!!!). I also hope to travel internationally with my mom and aunt (if they are both up to it). I could also travel with other members of my framily. There are my siblings, my niece and nephews. There are also cousins and friends who could make great travel companions and this is hidden by the fact that we dont discus travel plans with each other. These are changes to be made!
- I will get me a BB! I am fascinated by the many facilities that the model that I looked at has. I want to get internet facility wherever I am, immediate emails, GPS, etc,etc all in one tiny gadget. I deserve one soon (Pocket and wallet....u heard me didnt u???). JAR just got one for himself. He got it to replace the phone he lost. He is in play land!
- I will reach higher levels in my cooking attempts. Lately I have reduced my cooking adventures due to the long holidays at the year end. I cook well enough for my own palate but I need to start cooking for guests soon.
- I will dress better! Alot of the clothes in my wardrobe has seen better days. Oprah has been having shows about people cleaning up their homes and wardrobe. My home is clean enuff (most of the time) but I need to throw out several old clothes and BUY me newer trendier sexier ones!
- I should get me a new laptop/PC my mid year. The one I have right now is a dinosaur (Not that its large in size, in fact its pretty small but its capacity is about equals to its size.)
- 2008 ends with my skin looking good. Not so pigmented and whats left is light in color. This is even after my allergy reaction resulting in red spots on my face. Not bad I say! I shall proceed 2009 with attempts to better the results. Reach for the skies.
- I am thankful that my family have been blessed with health and fortune in 2008. I pray that this follows thru in 2009. (Latest news: my second sis's second son scored extremely well in his recent exams. Congrats E!!! U deserve it! This is the boy who was a slow starter at school. He used to cry at his mom about his brain 'being injured' when he could not get the correct answers. His brothers used to find studying alot easier. E however is not one to give up easily, he works hard, studies consistently...wallaaaa he is now amongst the top!) Self to remember : Hard work pays!!!
- I expect to get an increase in my finances soon. I shall invest wisely and make my money grow and grow. My policy : Spend some, save some, invest some....and may my investments create at least to the amonut that I have spent!
- I am loved and I shall always remember that. (even at the times when I dont feel the love as much). This way of thinking has helped me time and again.
- (to be continued....)