Friday, July 28, 2006

wedding, dress and condo

Life is moving on a pleasant, adaptable speed. Sometimes it does get a little hectic at work but I adapt.
There are several weddings to attend in August. Cousins getting married. I took my little niece shopping for a pretty party dress to wear at the wedding. She looks so cute! She changed clothes like a little pro and posed several times for me, my mom and my sis-in-law. I believe the three of us prolly had the most fun of all.
Next week we might go look for matching shoes.
The only thing that can spoil the wedding show is if sis-in-law gives birth to the second child early. Ah well...we'll just dress little niece in the lovely dress and take her to the hospital to see the new baby then!
To escape the heatwave, JAR and his siblings have been going out of town the past few weekends. Good for him....he deserves the tiny outings as it releases tension gathered during the week.
My condo is almost ready and I hope to be given the keys within a month or two.Then life is expected to get hectic as I will venture into the world of contractors, decorators, appliances,etc. I am half eager, half fearful right now.
I will have to face that alone and that itself is a worry.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Skin after 3 weeks

3 weeks since I started.
I now go around WITHOUT any coverage on my face except for the product's sunblock. I cant believe it! I used to need layers of what-have-u on my cheek area. My skin is more evenly toned. It looks a little rosy on the cheeks giving me a healtier image.
People are starting to notice. Before, I only had L, my sis-in-law, and my mom to keep on encouraging me by telling me that my skin was improving. Today I got my first compliment from a friend at work who told me that my skin looks better.YeSSSSSS!
The best part however, is not about how I look on the outside. Its how I feel inside. I have more confidence and am finding the motivation to try new stuff. This is something that I share with L. She also has pigmentation on her cheeks and used to wear thick make-up. She now uses very much lighter version and looks a million bucks.
I on the other had somehow found the courage to go totally nude on my face....and the result is that the product is working a whole lot faster than before.
I was told that it takes a few months before we see the whole result. I have only been on this for three weeks and I am already happy.
The new secret is my mom has decided to try the product too! L says it must be cos she saw the changes on my face. Mom has some age discolorations. Her skin is also sensitive so L tells her to go slow on the procedures. Mom has used the products for six days now. Not much difference as yet......but at least she hasnt suffered the swollen face n disappearing eyes period as I did.
Wouldnt it be lovely if I can look good by the time I go on my next vacation to see JAR?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Facing the changes

My face is now a mixture of many ages;....I have a 60 year old's forehead (there are actually lines there cos its so dry in that area; a fifty year old's eye area (also lined when I give the slightest smile; a thirty year old's cheek area (surprisingly, my pigmentation is ALOT lighter now), a twenty year old's mouth to chin area (bearing in mind this was the first area where the drying and flaking of the old skin began).
ALL this after ane and a half week's usage of L's recommended products. I guess it makes me both happy and unhappy at the same time. Of course I am all thrilled to get up in the mornings and find that the pigmentations reducing by the day. There is now a smaller, lighter patch.
I do not like to look way too much older than my age due to the dryness which is necessary just prior to the skin peeling. L says that I could use a little moisturiser on the very dry areas but not to overdo it, otherwise it defeats the function of the products.
L and her siblings who all started using the product two months ago are basking in the glory of their now excellent skins. I look at them and find the courage and motivation to go thru the stages I am at.....I have to move at a slower yet more painful rate; I hate the sensitivity of my skin!
I spoke to JAR on the phone today. Somehow I can always detect when he is not feeling too happy about something. He tells me that he is ok but I know something or things is/are bugging him. Living so far apart, one learns to live independently but there are times when u wish u could cut the distance especially when the other seems to need a hug.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Skin Saga continues....

Its been three days since I stopped using the powerful skin reconditioning product but maintaining regular use of the other products . There is no more swelling today but my face has not stopped peeling. Its been a week since I started the routine. Yesterday, my sis-in-law said that she noticed that my face looks clearer and that the pigmentation seems less. Goody. I deserve any little praises that I can get!!
L came again to the house to check on me. She is a good morale booster. She says that due to the super duper hyper sensitive skin that I have, I will need to take the slower, longer road to getting the smooth, translucent, need-no-help-from-cosmetics skin. Ok. Ok. I can buy that. I am patient enuff and sensible enuff to know that since I have lived all these many years with my poor pigmented skin that I can surely wait slightly longer than others to end up looking good!
HOWEVER......I dont have to like my skin being so dry and flaky as its been for the past week. I must have such bad skin since with the dosages of vitamins into my body, its reacting by shedding off as much of the old skin as possible as soon as possible!
The reconditioning product is supposed to bring about the peeling process but even after stopping its use, my skin continues to flake away days later.....
I have decided that I will only use that reconditioning product maybe once a week on least i have the weekend to hide away should my skin swells again. Now how do I hide the flaking and peeling that is so needed for the new, younger and healthier skin to make an appearance?
This product and its vitamins supposedly reaches the dermis layer which doesnt happen for most other products cos they only tackle the epidermis. I have to keep on believing that its going to do me alot of good.....with the help of L, my patient, sincere and generous beautician.
So far no one at work has asked me the reason why my face was read and welling on Monday, my eyes so tiny on Tuesday, my skin so dry and flaky on Wednesday and Thursday......oh oh....doesn't anybody notice how I look any more?
I want to look good if not great by the time my next vacation arrives.........please!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Beauty ends (sic!) the Beast

Went for a full body massage yesterday. Its like being on a piece of heaven after hectic period of work! I deserved it! Would u believe that they had TWO ladies doing the massage on me at the same time? One concentrated on my legs and the other on my upper body. Though the two ladies spoke a foreign language I understood enuff of it to know that they were complimenting on my body. May I be bold and say that I do have a pretty good shape and tone.
Two pairs of hands working magic on a very tired, worked-out, lack of sleep body. The aromatheraphy oils soothed my senses. I enjoyed every rub, knead, pressure point press and what-have-u that they placed on my body. Needless to say, I fell asleep in contentment.
I had yet another reason to need a pleasurable rest. Last week my friend L convinced me to try some new products for my skin. Its supposed to result in better looking skin via a peeling and vitamin soaked process. Having my poor blotched skin, it did not take me long to agree.....both L and her siblings were using it and man, they really had very improved smooth, translucent looks. Now the main difference between me and them is that I have hyper super duper sensitive skin. L is very aware of this as she is a beautician by profession.
She listed out the routine I was to follow. I am a good follower of rules so I did the routines by the book.
By the second day, my face was red and swelling. My eyes shrank to half their normal sizes. Every day I was on the phone with L, with her giving me encouragement and me needing to know that all this pain is temporary. L even drove to my house to check on me. Beautician who did house calls!
Soon L advised me to stop the strongest product in order to let my skin rest. I even had one sleepless night in this drama. That was the night before I decided on the massage which was done at L's. No wonder I enjoyed the massage and fell asleep in the process.
Now, a few days onwards, my face is still in the healing process. Its peeling all over. I should get beautiful skin just based on my suffering for the past week if nothing else! I do not yet look good but I am still DID work for L and her team of siblings and friends. I may take a longer route (and time) (so says L!) but I know I will get there.......someday.