I have a new rule.
I will be happy as of RIGHT NOW!
I wont wait until the vacation time, till the project is completed, till He calls, till the big cheque is cleared, till anything at all!
I think thats the smartest new rule I have made for myself in a long time.
When I say I am happy, I feel a sense of warmth flow right thru me.
Actually there are so many reasons for me to be worried and stressed.
Someone in the family needed me to help her finances this month.
I shall not worry about her paying me back; I shall not be stressed when I see her spending what was MY money on expensive stuff for herself (the cheek of some people!)
I shall focus on the fact that I was able to help. And in doing so, managed to help so many of my loved ones.
Money is not meant to only be figures that u watch grow.
Its a means for something good!
My mom's condition sees further improvement this week. Thank God.
I took her for physiotheraphy on Saturday.
There is more movement on the right side of her face.
The physiotherapist says that if she goes early for physio and carries on regularly, we should see improvement by the seventh session. Please, God!
This weekend however saw new problems.
Mom had diahorrea and was vomiting on Friday. She was better on Saturday and thus had her physio appoinment done.
Sunday she vomitted yet again.
Thus she is not yet well.
We also had a siblings meeting and lunch on Sunday.
Second sis was away so her family was the only one missing.
They went to visit her son who had just entered boarding school.
Spoke to JAR this morning.
He is doing great. He had just ordered his new kitchen cabinets.
He's trying to complete that job before my next trip.
I am looking forwards to seeing the new kitchen.
Now another week has begun.
I am happy as of right now!
I shall look at all my blessings anytime my unhappy hormon threatens to surface.