Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why I am lucky.

I am lucky because:-
  1. God has always given me great opportunities.
  2. The challenges I have been faced with are all within my capabilities of overcoming them.
  3. God has always given me second chances whenever he gave me a tough one.
  4. I have a loving family even though we are not in each other's faces all the time.
  5. I have a job that I love even if not all of the job spec is what I like. I begin and end the day still enjoying what I do.
  6. I am blessed with financial stability and have the wisdom even from a young age to know what to spend on, when to splurge and when to save so that I shall always live within my means and be safe for the rest of my life (God willing!).
  7. I look at life beyond just material possessions and at the same time am not 'overburdened' with religious fervour. I maintain a balance of what I find acceptable as opposed to what someone else thinks should be acceptable in life.
  8. I am physically healthy even after a few health scares throughout my life. I have been described as one who has a twenty year old butt - one compliment I cherish. Just last week someone asked me if I was in reality more than twenty years younger cos thats how he thinks I look. Wo!
  9. I am blessed to have someone like JAR in my life. We have had our ups and downs over our years together but he has always been there for me. I can tell him just about anything even some things that might affect himself personally and still he is my pillar of strength.
  10. I am alive.

Family pains

My brother is hurting bad and its all started because of a Blackberry.
After his wife started using one, she was 'transported' to a world of her own.
She became secretive about it, always texting 24/7 to God knows who.
Earlier she had started befriending moms of her daughters' school mates who supposedly have rich husbands.
She began to complain to her husband about his making less money than is satisfying, how her friends get to holiday abroad mostly, and many more stuff that did not use to bother her.
Sad, but the shallow side of her was starting to make an appearance.

I do not want to intefere with their marriage after all they are two adults now sadly living a lie.
I know my brother would also have faults of his own and he has to deal with this himself.

My heart just bleeds for my little nieces.
Someday if their parents are unable to overcome this great big challenge (they have discussed the big D word), the two little ones will have to live life without one parent present at all times.
Why do kids have to suffer most when its the parents who cannot deal with the challenges of life?

Please give my brother peace and strength to overcome this.
Please give my sis in law common sense and open her eyes to what she is doing to her family.
Please give a happy ending to this current situation.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank You God

Thank you God for every single wonderful blessing u have given in my life, including what I may not yet realise or even learn to appreciate yet.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I had my birthday yesterday.
It was such a pleasing day.

On the day before my brother phoned me cos he needed to talk.
He had some devastating updates for me but I had guessed some of it myself.

Thus I had not expected to have such a good time for my birthday.

My sister who lived near my condo held a family gathering and it was also to celebrate me and also my niece's birthday which fell the day after mine.

Everyone was there and prolly it will be one of the last times when ALL of my siblings' kids will be able to gather.
They are all growing up too fast.
One of them will be leaving the country in September to do medicine in Egypt. We won't see him too often in the future.

I look at them and I wonder where the years have gone.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Heart blog

I have always blogged from the heart cos in the cyber world I had felt a certain sense of freedom due to the anonymity I had thought it gave me.

Today I was found that it was not really so.

Its wierd but there are people out there who make it their business to seek and search about their friends, enemies, subordinates, bosses, acquaintances or whoever.
They then 'use' whatever info they find in ways that can be potentially hurtful. They may not even be aware that some people get hurt because of what they do. For them it just spells 'FUN'......but its worse than using the real F word.

I have not been directly hit but I deeply hurt because a good friend might be because of me.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I opened a Facebook(FB) account because I wanted to see pictures that my brother's family took of my little nieces playing with goats.
I had no other intentions and was not even aware of how extensive the facebook world was.

Then I found out that so many people I knew were on face book.
My nieces and nephews immediately put me on as their 'friend'.
I actually had the honor above their own parents cos inFB world u get to see how the young people communicate with each other in their own language, and this can sometimes be uncomfortable for the previous generation.
It says a lot of what they thought of their aunt to allow her in their world so easily. :-)

It also allowed me to connect with not only JAR but also with his family.
We joke, laugh and tease each other via the cyber world.
This works wonders for a LDR.

I have however been very strict about whom I let in as a 'friend' on my FB page.
It may seem like a free world in cyber space but I am still guarded.
Not everybody is able to 'see' the real me.
For some people, I shall forever remain what they think they 'see' as me and I do not intend to change that.

This year I was able to maintain connections with someone I had just met because of the existence of FB.
Otherwise it would have just been a hello and goodbye forever.

Yesterday someone from my distant past was able to contact me via FB.
It was good to 'talk' to him again but I don't know how advisable it would be to actually open my FB page for him to be able to see what I have become today.

I am comfortable in my own skin (as described by a friend)
People from the past need not necessarily understand that.